This policy from Woodward Academy clearly outlines responsible use for students and teachers. It also contains a Generative AI Acceptable Usage Scale (which The Kinkaid School adapted from too). It ends with commitment statements from the Woodward team to continue to provide professional development and policy review as the landscape of AI continues to evolve.
"We formed our AI Committee in the fall of 2023 made up of volunteers who were interested in shaping our policy and testing various products. This group was eager to learn all that they could about AI and its appropriate use at Woodward. We even used AI to help us draft our initial policy but after gathering feedback, we found the first version to be too overreaching. In our next revision, we introduced a usage scale based on the work of Leon Furze, which allowed teachers to clearly indicate and communicate the acceptable level of AI integration for each assignment.
We highlighted student and teacher responsible AI use in our Woodward Academy Policy for the Responsible Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). With student responsible use, we included four major areas: compliance with AI terms and conditions, recognizing biases and inaccuracies that existed, responsible use of AI on assignments, and proper citation and justification. The responsible use of AI on assignments incorporated a modification of Leon Furze's scale which talks about no use, collaborative use, and the five levels of usage that would be defined for the assignment. For faculty, our policy included the use of approved faculty AI tools, the acceptable use scale and mitigating bias, and grading and feedback."

Connie White
Woodward Academy • Director of Learning and Innovation