AI coding practice in

AI coding practice in

Java ☕️

Javascript 💛

Python 🐍


Java ☕️

Java ☕️

Javascript 💛

Python 🐍


Java ☕️

Java ☕️

Javascript 💛

Python 🐍


Java ☕️

Give students coding practice and debugging help in any language, from an AI that can offer personalized help whenever they get stuck.

Give students coding practice and debugging help in any language, from an AI that can offer personalized help whenever they get stuck.

Interface showing learning objective for Java while loops practice, with blue 'Create Activity' button below.

Give students debugging help and coding practice from AI.


Upload content and specify what topic and coding language you want students to practice.


Specify how you want the AI to behave.


Give students individualized practice.


See how students did through individual and class-wide summaries.

Interface showing learning objective for Java while loops practice, with blue 'Create Activity' button below.

Give students debugging help and coding practice from AI.


Upload content and specify what topic and coding language you want students to practice.


Specify how you want the AI to behave.


Give students individualized practice.


See how students did through individual and class-wide summaries.

Interface showing learning objective for Java while loops practice, with blue 'Create Activity' button below.

Give students debugging help and coding practice from AI.


Upload content and specify what topic and coding language you want students to practice.


Specify how you want the AI to behave.


Give students individualized practice.


See how students did through individual and class-wide summaries.

"Flint has been invaluable for introducing new concepts and assessing student understanding. My high flyers love how they can deep-dive into course content with an AI expert. Other students who need more attention can get a one-on-one tutor."

Matthew Davis headshot

Matthew Davis

Computer science teacher at Episcopal

"With any other activity, top students want to move to more complex material, and others need more time on basics. In Flint's activities, I can rotate as a facilitator and Flint automatically scales the assignments to each student's skill level."

Jake Kazlow headshot

Jake Kazlow

Computer science teacher at Westminster

Features built for personalizing learning.

60+ coding languages.

Code editor.

Custom rules for the AI.

Example use cases for Computer Science

Computer science teachers have been leveraging Flint to help students learn new concepts and definitions, derive algorithms, and practice debugging. Activities can adjust in difficulty to fit student’s demonstrated understanding and give hints without giving away the answer, allowing students to truly learn and practice problem solving.

Personalize learning for your students with AI.

Sign up to start using Flint, free for up to 80 users.

Watch the video

Personalize learning for your students with AI.

Sign up to start using Flint, free for up to 80 users.

Watch the video

Personalize learning for your students with AI.

Sign up to start using Flint, free for up to 80 users.

Watch the video