AI problem solving help in

AI problem solving help in

Algebra 🔢

Calculus 📈

Statistics 📊

basic math 🧮

Algebra 🔢

Algebra 🔢

Calculus 📈

Statistics 📊

basic math 🧮

Algebra 🔢

Algebra 🔢

Calculus 📈

Statistics 📊

basic math 🧮

Algebra 🔢

Have AI run a study session, where every student receives personalized problem solving help. You’ll get a summary of their performance.

Have AI run a study session, where every student receives personalized problem solving help. You’ll get a summary of their performance.

Interface showing a learning objective for quadratic equations and linear functions practice, with a red 'Create Activity' button below.

Give students problem solving practice with AI feedback.


Enter the topic students are reviewing.


Generate practice (which can be based on existing tests/questions you upload).


Students get personalized, step-by-step help.


Receive a summary of student performance.

Interface showing a learning objective for quadratic equations and linear functions practice, with a red 'Create Activity' button below.

Give students problem solving practice with AI feedback.


Enter the topic students are reviewing.


Generate practice (which can be based on existing tests/questions you upload).


Students get personalized, step-by-step help.


Receive a summary of student performance.

Interface showing a learning objective for quadratic equations and linear functions practice, with a red 'Create Activity' button below.

Give students problem solving practice with AI feedback.


Enter the topic students are reviewing.


Generate practice (which can be based on existing tests/questions you upload).


Students get personalized, step-by-step help.


Receive a summary of student performance.

"I teach online and have several students working with me asynchronously. I'm using Flint to guide them through specific chapters since I cannot teach them in live instruction. They can watch my videos, but Flint has allowed me to give them examples to engage with that are tailored to their needs. Afterwards, I'm able to see their conversations to know what questions they're struggling with."

Michael Webster Headshot
Michael Webster Headshot

Michael Webster

Math Teacher at Gravitas Stony Brook School

Features built for personalizing learning.

Math formula editor.

Graphing support.

Image recognition.

Example use cases for Math

Generative AI is great at explaining step-by-step reasoning. Flint's built-in equation editor and calculator enable accurate math tutoring that AI models lack on their own. Furthermore, Flint can adapt to students’ performance—as they get more questions right, the newly generated questions get more challenging, and vice versa.

Personalize learning for your students with AI.

Sign up to start using Flint, free for up to 80 users.

Watch the video

Personalize learning for your students with AI.

Sign up to start using Flint, free for up to 80 users.

Watch the video

Personalize learning for your students with AI.

Sign up to start using Flint, free for up to 80 users.

Watch the video