Campfire Session


Mar 10, 2025

Campfire Session — Mathematics

Discussion and demo about how to use Flint's AI to help students learning math and science.

Lulu Gao headshot

Lulu Gao, Head of Teacher Experience at Flint | LinkedIn

Video Summary

Technology usually favors STEM fields, but AI so far has been an exception. Enabling math use cases has been a focus of Flint, driving many of the features that our team has built over the past year.

This session included a demo of Flint's use cases for math and math-heavy science courses. Multiple teachers also volunteered to come share their experiences with the platform. Topics covered included:

  1. Math chats for teacher use

  2. Math activities designed by teachers for student use

  3. Tips and ideas for creating math activities

Slides from the presentation can be found here.

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Introduction • 00:00

  • A presentation on AI for Math is introduced. Feedback and questions from participants are encouraged.

Ice-breaking news • 01:42

  • Discussion on the integration of AI in math classrooms is initiated. Participants are invited to share their opinions on AI's role in education.

  • A Mentimeter poll is taken asking attendees about how integrated AI should be in math classrooms.

  • Michael Webster shares insights on online education. Emphasis is placed on AI's potential to enhance instructional quality.

Math chats in Flint • 06:18

  • Flint's capabilities for math are discussed. Features include solving equations step by step and generating graphs.

  • A live demo of the new user interface is conducted. The demonstration includes creating a worksheet for Algebra 2 word problems.

  • Flint generates a worksheet and an answer key. The tool provides visual aids for students who are visual learners.

  • A teacher's video about using Flint for his own productivity is played. He uploaded documents for problem-solving assistance.

  • Flint's graphing functionality is showcased for math assessments. Feedback can be given feedback to improve graph outputs.

  • Differences in teacher and student roles in Flint are clarified. Students can use Flint as a study partner for tutoring and feedback.

Math activities in Flint • 15:49

  • An activity for problem solving practice is created. Students will practice finding the inverse of functions. Flint generates three practice questions for students. Additional edits can be requested dynamically during the session.

  • A session preview is shown for testing purposes. The conversation can be simulated to assess student interactions.

  • Flint generates a graph for students to review. This feature provides additional support for visual learners.

  • Another snippet of a teacher's video is played to show the student experience with Flint activities.

Tips and ideas for math activities • 22:31

  • Flint assists students with step-by-step problem solving. It helps students stay on track with complex math concepts.

  • Flint is effective for exam preparation and differentiated homework. It explains mathematical concepts patiently to enhance understanding.

  • Lulu Gao explains how students can sign in. QR codes are suggested for easier access in elementary settings.

  • Sohan Choudhury discusses customizing AI behavior. Feedback mechanisms for adjusting Flint's responses are highlighted.

Teacher shareout Part 1: Tom Yates • 29:34

  • Thomas (Tom) Yates discusses the importance of patience with Flint. He emphasizes careful vetting of activities before assignment.

  • Tom highlights the analytics capabilities of Flint. He shares specific examples of student misconceptions identified by the platform.

  • A PDF activity file was created and shared to support a specific student. Individualized support was emphasized through experimentation.

  • Differentiation strategies were discussed based on student performance. A method for tracking students' understanding was shared.

  • Engagement with students improved through interactive practice problems. A shift in the classroom environment was noted after using the platform.

Q&A Part 1 • 42:14

  • A discussion about managing prior knowledge is held. Strategies for keeping activities within boundaries are shared.

  • Specific examples of educational content management are provided. The importance of clear topic definitions is emphasized.

  • Izzie expresses gratitude for the insights shared. The session transitions to other questions.

Teacher shareout Part 2: Michael Webster • 45:09

  • Creative teaching methods using Flint are discussed. Historical context in mathematics is emphasized.

  • Asynchronous learning strategies are shared. PowerPoint materials are integrated into the Flint tutoring system.

  • Engagement through personalized projects is highlighted. Real-world scenarios are created using student interests.

  • Various methods of using the platform are shared. Personalized student experiences are discussed as a way to enhance engagement.

Wrap-up and final Q&A • 51:11

  • Upcoming sessions and resources are announced. A Facebook group for educators is highlighted for further collaboration.

  • Concerns about copyright issues are addressed. The platform's handling of uploaded materials is clarified.

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Spark AI-powered learning at your school.

Sign up to start using Flint, free for up to 80 users.

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Spark AI-powered learning at your school.

Sign up to start using Flint, free for up to 80 users.

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